Distributor / Trade Representative

Püschel Automation

Since 2006 we, Romédes Specials, represent Püschel Automation in the Benelux. Püschel has over 40 years of experience in the field of production automation. The supply program of
Püschel is as follows:


  • Supply technique
  • Positioning technique
  • Installation carrousels
  • Linear assembly machines


Practise has proven that the same components keep appearing in the various automation solutions. Therefore, Püschel composed a catalogue with standard components in the field of supply and positioning technique. Most components can be downloaded directly from the homepage of Püschel, so anyone can apply these components in his/her engineering concept.


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Please contact Romédes if you want more information about Püschel, request the catalog or to download digital files.

Copyright © 2024 Romedes - Design by Bjorn Maatman - Development by Niels Voortman/Computer-Parts.NL